The smallest solution for fast hearing screening

The MAICO MA 1 is a screening audiometer that fits right into your hand. The device is as light as a remote control and can be operated with only one hand for fast screening purposes.

Perform pure tone audiometry with the MA 1 and adjust and present frequencies quickly with one hand. The device delivers a pure tone signal to one ear at a time. Test frequencies range from 500 to 4000 Hz. The stimulus range is from 15 to 50 dBHL and adjustable in 5 dBsteps.

NZ Medsafe ID: 150818-WAND-6KDF7E

Features and downloads

  • Handheld screening audiometer
  • Pure tone signal from 15 to 50 dBHL
  • Test frequencies 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz
  • Powered by batteries
  • DD45 headset included